Thursday, July 12, 2012

custom search

1700 Chemical & Materials Engineering
1734 Ex Parte Wolf et al 11752547 - (D) OBERMANN 102/103 CONNOLLY BOVE LODGE & HUTZ, LLP NGUYEN, NGOC YEN M

1773 Ex Parte Kaylor et al 10035013 - (D) PAK 102/103 Dority & Manning, Attorneys at Law, P.A. ALEXANDER, LYLE

2100 Computer Architecture and Software
2156 Ex Parte Pekarek-Kostka 09974100 - (D) MacDONALD 102 PETER PEKAREK-KOSTKA AL HASHEMI, SANA A

2400 Networking, Mulitplexing, Cable, and Security
2432 Ex Parte Naito 11118325 - (D) DANG 102 LAW OFFICE OF LOUIS WOO ARMOUCHE, HADI S

3600 Transportation, Construction, Electronic Commerce, Agriculture, National Security, and License & Review
3617 Ex Parte ALLEN et al 11420838 - (D) SPAHN 103
3700 Mechanical Engineering, Manufacturing, and Products & Design
3738 Ex Parte Gregorich et al 11138022 - (D) FREDMAN 102 VIDAS, ARRETT & STEINKRAUS, P.A. PELLEGRINO, BRIAN E

1700 Chemical & Materials Engineering
1732 Ex Parte Ord et al 11441533 - (D) PAK 103 37 C.F.R. § 41.50(b) 103 EVEREADY BATTERY COMPANY INC JOHNSON, KEVIN M

1600 Biotechnology and Organic Chemistry
1648 Ex Parte Dalencon et al 11338908 - (D) PRATS Dissenting-In-Part McCOLLUM 112(1)/103 MCDONNELL BOEHNEN HULBERT & BERGHOFF LLP LUCAS, ZACHARIAH

1700 Chemical & Materials Engineering
1735 Ex Parte JAKUS et al 11894999 - (D) GAUDETTE 102/103 Edward J. Timmer LIN, KUANG Y

1783 Ex Parte Moran et al 11095103 - (D) HANLON 103 Lewis Rice FERGUSON, LAWRENCE D

2100 Computer Architecture and Software
2166 Ex Parte Hughes et al 10769941 - (D) DANG 103 CESARI AND MCKENNA, LLP SAEED, USMAAN

2600 Communications
2611 Ex Parte Dominique et al 10259753 - (D) GONSALVES 103 HARNESS, DICKEY & PIERCE, P.L.C. JOSEPH, JAISON

2800 Semiconductors, Electrical and Optical Systems and Components
2822 CHIMEI INNOLUX CORP. Requester and Respondent v. Patent of LG DISPLAY CO., LTD. Patent Owner and Appellant 90009483 7176489 10/872,527 BLANKENSHIP 102/103 MORGAN, LEWIS & BOCKIUS, LLP. (PA) KIELIN, ERIK J original SOWARD, IDA M

3600 Transportation, Construction, Electronic Commerce, Agriculture, National Security, and License & Review
3652 Ex Parte Johansson 10571003 - (D) HOELTER 103 DICKSTEIN SHAPIRO LLP KRAMER, DEAN J

3700 Mechanical Engineering, Manufacturing, and Products & Design
3715 Ex Parte Ando et al 10608335 - (D) HOELTER 103 BRUNDIDGE & STANGER, P.C. FRISBY, KESHA

3731 Ex Parte Engin et al 11584026 - (D) GRIMES 112(2) 112(2)/103 Bausch & Lomb Incorporated TANNER, JOCELIN C

3734 Ex Parte Kusleika et al 11517222 - (D) GRIMES 103 Covidien COLELLO, ERIN L

3738 Ex Parte Dave 11327700 - (D) FREDMAN 102/103 Dergosits & Noah LLP STRASZHEIM, REBECCA L


2100 Computer Architecture and Software
2166 Ex Parte Duncan et al 10769941 - (D) MILLS 103 CESARI AND MCKENNA, LLP SAEED, USMAAN

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