Monday, October 29, 2012


custom search

Tech Center 2600 Communications
2688 Ex Parte Biskeborn 10754392 - (D) SAADAT 102/103 WALTER W. DUFT NEGRON, DANIELL L

Tech Center 3600 Transportation, Construction, Electronic Commerce, Agriculture, National Security, and License & Review
3656 Ex Parte Yamazaki et al 10922130 - (D) HORNER 103 FLYNN THIEL BOUTELL & TANIS, P.C. PILKINGTON, JAMES

Tech Center 2100 Computer Architecture and Software
2141 Ex Parte Hochmuth et al 11020982 - (D) STRAUSS 103 103 HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY TAKELE, MESEKER

Tech Center 1700 Chemical & Materials Engineering
1714 Ex Parte Doherty et al 11140633 - (D) KIMLIN 112(2)/103 THOMPSON HINE LLP GOLIGHTLY, ERIC WAYNE

Tech Center 2600 Communications
2637 Ex Parte Soto et al 10886021 - (D) WHITEHEAD, JR. 103 Alexander Soto BELLO, AGUSTIN

Tech Center 2800 Semiconductors, Electrical and Optical Systems and Components
2872 Ex Parte Lin et al 11406030 - (D) SAADAT 103 FAY SHARPE / XEROX - ROCHESTER PINKNEY, DAWAYNE

The Examiner’s reliance on Howard vs. Detroit Stove Works, 150 U.S. 164 (1893) is inappropriate because Katagiri’s structure requires multiple components of different materials which cannot be integrally formed as one piece (App. Br. 17-18, Reply Br. 9).

Tech Center 3600 Transportation, Construction, Electronic Commerce, Agriculture, National Security, and License & Review
3652 Ex Parte Husing 11114595 - (D) BROWN 103 THE WEBB LAW FIRM, P.C. CHIN, PAUL T

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